by Hilary White
LONDON, January 3, 2007 ( – The Sunday Times reported this weekend that a group of Anglican homosexual activists has compiled a survey claiming that at least 50 homosexual Anglican clergy, men and women, have “married” in civil partnership ceremonies with little regard to the Bishops’ guidelines.
A media release from the church lobby group Changing Attitude said a total of 87 couples, clerical and lay members of the Church of England, had responded to their survey saying they had legally registered their homosexual civil partnerships. “Twenty seven couples followed the civil ceremony with a service of blessing, either in church or in another venue,” the group said.
The group issued a call for homosexual clergy to report on their partnership arrangements saying, “We would like to present a picture to the Church on the first anniversary in December, to show how the House of Bishops’ guidelines are being ignored by partnered LGBT Anglicans, lay and ordained, who respect their own deeply committed, faithful, loving relationships.”
The “guidelines” refer to those issued in 2005 by the House of Bishops, the primary governing body of the Church of England, allowing homosexual clergy to enter into civil unions as long as they issued a “promise” to their bishops to remain celibate in the relationship. This compromise, condemned as a farce by many in the church, came after the government passed a law recognizing same-sex unions for purposes of tax and inheritance benefits.
The group’s spokesman said, “We do not yet know how many Anglican couples, especially clergy, were inhibited from registering by the House of Bishops Statement on Civil Partnerships, or, if they did register, from following it with a blessing. Anecdotal evidence suggests the numbers are significant. Some clergy have quietly registered without informing their bishop. Many have refrained from registering their partnership, fearful of reprisals.”
The survey showed that the largest group, 32 couples, were made up of two laymen. The second largest group – 21 couples – were male partners where one is a lay person and the other ordained. Twenty six partnered gay homosexual priests registered. There were two lesbian couples where one is ordained and one lay, and one lesbian couple where both are priests.
The London Times reported Sunday that some Anglican Church members who retain the traditional Christian teaching on sexual morality have threatened to force the issue into public debate at the next meeting of the General Synod in February.
George Curry, chairman of the Church Society, was quoted in the Times saying that he expected a “crunch moment” at the upcoming Synod.
“Many of these people have defied the guidance. These are men and women who are in active sexual relationships,” he said. “These figures expose the bishops’ failure of leadership.”
The World Wide Anglican Communion has been in turmoil since the ordination in 2003 of an active and unrepentant homosexual, Gene Robinson, as the Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire.
In September last year, an African-led coalition of Anglican prelates, who represent by far the majority of the world’s Anglicans, announced it was drafting a formal denunciation of ordaining active homosexuals. Officially, the Anglican Communion holds to the universal Christian sexual doctrines that include the requirement of celibacy of unmarried people and looks upon homosexual activity as seriously sinful.
The group’s leader, Nigerian primate Peter Akinola released a statement saying, “The Church affirms our commitment to the total rejection of the evil of homosexuality which is a perversion of human dignity.”
Read previous coverage:
Anglican Church of England Will Allow Gay Clergy to “Marry”
Anglican Bishops Group Formed Against Acceptance of Homosexuality in Church
World Leader of Anglicans Acknowledges Massive Split Coming Over ‘Gay’ Bishop