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(LifeSiteNews) — A recent study has shown that 53 percent of parents from several countries say that concern about “climate change” has affected their decision to have more children. 

In a survey carried out by Morning Consult and commissioned by information technology company Hewlett-Packard (HP), 5,000 parents from Mexico, India, Singapore, the U.K., and the U.S. were asked about how the so-called “climate crisis” has affected their purchasing and lifestyle decisions. 

91 percent of the surveyed parents said that they are “concerned about the climate crisis” and 53 percent stated that concern for the climate “has impacted their perspective on having more children. 

According to the survey, parents were most concerned about rising temperatures (62 percent of parents), water shortages (51 percent), large weather events (43 percent), and rising sea levels (43 percent). 

Moreover, 43 percent of the parents surveyed said that they have “reconsidered working for a company due to its commitment to environmental and social issues.” 

Even though the dire predictions made by scientists, politicians, and climate activists have continuously been wrong in the past, many are still influenced by the constant propaganda of climate doom to the point that they decide to have fewer children, despite the fact that birth rates are already historically low in most countries. 

READ: Japanese PM warns country it faces social collapse because of falling birth rate 

The date when the Arctic Ocean will allegedly be ice-free for instance, has been moved back several times in recent decades. The website provides a list of alarmist climate predictions that have been proven spectacularly false over the past 50 years. 

LifeSiteNews contributor Frank Wright wrote that “[t]he climate has never been a stable system, and the actions of mankind in altering it have been negligible. 

“Man-made climate change and the danger it represents is a case made on falsified data and dishonest models,” Wright continued. “It is a cult, and one which wishes to collapse civilization and destroy your freedom to preserve itself.” 

READ: Actual science is discrediting the apocalyptic fantasies of ‘climate change’ cultists 

