
March 8, 2012 ( – There are 61 employees who have had conversions and left their jobs in the abortion industry during 40 Days for Life campaigns.

These journeys are never smooth. Many of these workers are uncomfortable about the peaceful prayer vigils outside their doors. They voice that discomfort regularly. In fact, staff members threaten to call the police … over a poster, a candle — or even a cross.

Here are stories that illustrate that point. But first, I want you to hear from the Planned Parenthood manager who resigned her job after just ONE 40 Days for Life campaign outside the facility where she worked.

Enjoy this amazing story!


Our 40 Days for Life national director, David Bereit, was in McKinney to help launch their first-ever campaign. He welcomed vigil participants — and showed them what COULD happen in their community.

In the right-of-way outside the McKinney Planned Parenthood office, David introduced everyone to Ramona Trevino, who once managed the Planned Parenthood facility in nearby Sherman, Texas.

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Ramona shared from her heart how last spring the local 40 Days for Life team in Sherman offered encouragement and help when she experienced a conversion and decided to quit her job — during that community’s FIRST and ONLY 40 Days for Life campaign.

Following the 40 Days for Life campaign — and Ramona’s departure — the Sherman Planned Parenthood shut down for good.

An independent videographer recorded David and Ramona’s inspiring comments. See for yourself what God can accomplish!


At the 40 Days for Life vigil site, Planned Parenthood workers came out to complain — about a cross. It was a LITTLE cross, decorated with flowers. But to the Planned Parenthood crew, it was a BIG issue.


The cross, the employees said, just had to be moved. Winnie, one of the Orlando leaders, courteously informed them the cross would stay. The worker said in that case, they would call the police. Winnie smiled and politely said that would be all right.

Soon, Orlando police were on the scene to respond to the complaint. “Whatever you’re doing is really upsetting them,” said one of the officers. But all the police found on the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood was people peacefully praying — along with a small cross with flowers on it.

The police assured Winnie and the other volunteers that they were doing absolutely nothing wrong … and the cross could stay.

Someone called the police again a few days later — to complain about the cross. Again, the officers came, asked questions and left. Again, the cross remained.


“The wind howled; the rain poured; placards were whirling,” said Aileen in Manchester. “And yes, we got wet! We prayed and sang and we reached out.”

Despite the weather, there was a constant stream of clients, she said, some of whom they engaged in conversation.

“At the beginning of the day, a senior member of staff ‘requested’ that we remove our placards and the candle burning for babies killed by abortion and mothers hurt by abortion, declaring we were trespassing on clinic property, which was not the case,” Aileen said.

“Her threat of calling for the police was not pursued. We had of course, before starting the campaign, informed the police of our intentions,” she added.

Here’s a photo of me and 40 Days for Life national director David Bereit with some of the local leaders from our recent trip to Manchester:


Here’s the link to today’s devotional.