By Thaddeus M. Baklinski
Truth, Faith, Family, Respect for Life, the Need for Courage, Stepping out into the Deep, Loving our Neighbor, Loving our Enemies, all of these things are presented daily to our LifeSiteNews readers and grappled with daily by the LifeSiteNews staff.
When I was asked not long ago to write for LifeSiteNews I was not a little intimidated by the prospect of dealing with the sometimes painful, sometimes sordid, sometimes exhilarating realities that are part of the work we do.
Having subscribed to the e-mail newsletter for many years, I was aware of the important work the LifeSiteNews staff were doing and deeply appreciative of the knowledge and insights I gained from the articles covering areas of our culture that are so extremely important to an understanding of where we are and where we are going.
Now that I am on the “inside” so to speak, I find the opportunity of contributing to this river of truth and understanding, that has been flowing for so many years, something that challenges me but also gives me a deep satisfaction that I am adding my little bit to the culture of life.
My other little contribution to the culture of life is, of course, the fourteen children that my wife and I have been blessed with, along with five beautiful daughters-in-law and ten grandchildren.
From our small farm in the forested fastness of northeastern Ontario we wish all our LifeSiteNews readers the peace and joy that is the profound yearning of the human heart, and a Very Merry Christmas.