Dear readers,
It’s been another full news day, with interesting and some heartening developments to report.
Some encouraging notes from Spain as the gruesome reality of abortion has forced a national rethink on the issue. The courage of Archbishop Burke is an inspiration, particularly at this time of year.
There are a number of items where you can make a difference. Note the action items on the USCCB reviewer story and that of the Quebec Mayor.
Beyond that you can make a difference with your generous support for as our end-of-the-year fundraising drive is coming to a close.
Thankfully more readers are finally begining to respond, but we are still very far from that $300,000 total needed by Dec. 31st to run this major life, family and culture issues news service.
$1050 has come in so far for today, but at that rate we will have to continue this campaign for almost an entire year. So, PLEASE join those who have responded and become a partner with LifeSiteNews with your generous donation.
The persons below have done so today:
“My 18 year old daughter has formed a Youth for Life group here in Innsbruck and I am able to keep her up to date with changes in society and law due to your site. I thank you too, for links that make it so easy to read the detailed information. May God bless your work and honor your good intentions – from a reader in Tirol, Austria who sent in a $100 donation Dec. 18
“Keep up the great work, your service is invaluable and if we are going to win this war we need information and direction on how to action these items, which you provide. We will try to get more people signed on to your service. Your hard work is appreciated and you are in our thoughts and prayers!!!” – from a reader in Canada who sent in a $200 donation Dec. 18
“I like to read your articles on the way to work. You are so often ahead of the regular Catholic press, never mind the mainstream. Keep up the good work.” – sent with a $100 donation from the United Kingdom Dec. 18
For information on the various ways to donate by online VISA or Mastercard, on line banking or by cheque see We will also be adding a PayPal option in the very near future.
John-Henry Westen
News Editor
Steve Jalsevac
Managing Director