WASHINGTON, January 27, 2017 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Abby Johnson, the founder of And Then There Were None, a ministry which seeks to bring abortion workers out of the industry, took to the stage at the 44th annual March for Life exclaiming to cheers, “It’s such an exciting time in the pro-life movement, I believe we are just a short time away from defunding our country’s largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood.”
“I believe that in the next four years we will see the end of Roe v Wade.,” added Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director. She was accompanied on stage by 12 fellow abortion industry “quitters.” They were, she said, only a small percentage of the 330 former abortion mill employees that have been rescued through And Then There Were None.
“I stand in front of you today a woman who spent eight years of her life working and running a Planned Parenthood facility,” she said. “Because of the power of conversion, because of the power of Christ, I stand in front of you a woman who has been redeemed from her past.” That cry from her heart elicited shouts of ‘we love you’ from the crowd.
Johnson stressed that her conversion and those of many in her group stemmed from the “power of one.” As she put it, “One person – you – can change the course of another persons life. Now is the time to be unabashedly pro-life to be bold in the defense of the unborn and their mothers… We will see a day when abortion in unthinkable in this country.”