
LOS ANGELES, Apr 27 (LSN) – On April 23, the ABC television officially announced its cancellation of the homosexual promoting show “Ellen,” with its final episode, adding to the anti-family heyday on the television, coming on May 13.  Last year the show shocked audiences into paying it some attention by having its main character embrace an active homosexual lifestyle, winning the acclaim of anti-family forces the world over.  Although heralded as the foremost program in encouraging homosexuality, other popular programs are proving more successful by including homosexuality as normal while focussing on other plots.  The most dangerous of these programs are also the most popular. Examples of television shows promoting homosexuality in this way are “Friends,” where the character Ross’ ex-wife is portrayed as gay, on “Mad About You” Paul’s sister, and on “Spin City” a mayoral aide is shown as a practicing homosexual.  The characters are portrayed as good looking and popular in a subtle, yet powerful fostering of homosexuality.