
UNITED NATIONS, Feb 1 (LifeSiteNews) – The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child concluded its three-week winter session Friday by issuing conclusions and recommendations on reports submitted by India, Sierra Leone, Costa Rica, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Armenia, Peru, Grenada, and South Africa.

Incredibly, the UN report issued a veiled recommendation for aborting the disabled.  Specifically the committee recommended “that early identification programmes be developed to prevent disabilities and implement alternative measures to the institutionalization of children with disabilities.” Early identification of disabilities and “prevention” is nowadays most often associated with prenatal diagnosis of disability followed by abortion in cases of suspected malformation. Opponents often refer to this as “search and destroy” and indeed fewer genetically handicapped children are now seen in western developed countries because of much improved techniques to identify and destroy them before birth.

For the full UN report click here.