LONDON, July 14, 2011 ( – British government ministers have received hundreds of complaints from the public since the beginning of this year about abortion advertisements that have begun to appear on television.
Edward Vaizey, the Minister for Culture, was asked about the advertisements in the House of Commons this week, after the Telegraph reported that the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP) has given the go-ahead for for-profit abortion facilities to advertise on TV and radio for the first time.
Previously only non-profit organizations were allowed to run the ads. Last year, Marie Stopes ran the first of such ads, which depicted a young woman worried about her period being late. The ad asked, “Who can help her?” and offered Marie Stopes, the international abortionist organization, as the answer.
That ad received 5,000 complaints by August of last year.
In answer to the question in the House, Vaizey said that the office of the Secretary of State for Culture and Media has received 576 “representations” from members of the public about the ads since January this year.
The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), the UK’s leading pro-life campaign group, has condemned the decision by BCAP to allow the ads, saying the ads typify the bias of the advertising industry and the “devious and sleazy agenda” of the abortionists.
SPUC’s Paul Tully said, “People complained that advertising abortion in this way was illegal, indecent, dishonest and untruthful, but the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) approved the adverts anyway. The ASA has a long pro-abortion track record.
“The advertising industry is displaying a bias to support the devious and sleazy agenda of abortion providers, who have ideological and commercial interests in promoting abortion.”
SPUC is urging members of the public to contact Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, to urge him to ban the ads.
Contact information:
Jeremy Hunt
2 Royal Parade
Tilford Road
GU26 6TD
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +01428 609 416