WASHINGTON, D.C., July 13, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) – An abortion activist who posted pictures of her abortion online has said prayer can be interpreted as hatred, Catholics who are “ashamed” of their church are “inspirational,” and “the very existence of the conservatives” is a fact to be lamented.
Earlier this month the activist, who goes by the name “Jane Young,” posted pictures of what she purports is her own abortion on her website, thisismyabortion.com. The move brought her infamy among those who care for the unborn, gratitude in the pro-abortion movement, and attention on every side.
In an interview with Vice.com, she said after a story about her stunt “was featured on the front page of catholic.org and on some apparently frequented pro-life blogs….staunch Christian emails surfaced and the hate mail began popping up.”
She noted the content of numerous “hate” e-mails was some variant of the message: “Maybe you do not know God or that abortion is a sin? Praying for you!”
“Even hearing that someone is ‘praying for me,’ in this context, feels demeaning and threatening. There’s already plenty of hatred and fear-mongering out there for people to encounter,” she said.
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She said such “hatred” was offset by unfaithful Catholics, such as an e-mail from “a Catholic woman who told me that while she is personally pro-life, she is pro-choice for everyone else. She does not judge nor feel it is her business to dictate the choice of others and expressed being ashamed by her religious community and their treatment of others.”
Young added that this woman “was inspirational because she showed me how one can be at peace with their choices and the choices of others.”
The activist went on to hope “people from all faiths can come together to support” abortion-on-demand.
In a later interview, she said Americans who do not share her pro-abortion outlook had the United States “about to plummet backwards into the dark ages.”
“Mississippi is a frightening example what could happen in this country,” she told the website xoJane.com, which has encouraged post-abortive women to voice their support for the procedure.
The state passed a popular law that would shut down Mississippi’s last abortion clinic. But a judge’s fiat has kept the law from being enforced.
Young said the incident befuddled her in “a seemingly progressive country. On the other hand, with the very existence of the conservatives, I am not surprised at all.”
Since Young’s photos went viral, a new website, ThisIsMyAbortion.org, has decided to present another side of the story.
However, even some feminists have criticized the new push for women to share their abortion experiences.
An anonymous woman, who describes herself as a post-abortive public figure, wrote on the website Jezebel.com that abortion pressure groups are “placing the onus on women to sacrifice themselves, their careers, their families, or their safety on the altar of ideology, especially if the woman is the wrong kind of woman or having an abortion for the wrong sort of reasons.”
“All of the risk falls on your shoulders, while all of the reward goes to the movement,” she wrote.