VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 1, 2012 ( – As anti-abortion activists launched their cross-country tour of bloody abortion trucks on Tuesday from the Vancouver Art Gallery, they faced violence, verbal assault, and public indecency from pro-abortion protesters.
At the beginning of the launch, abortion advocates attempted to shout down the national anthem as it was sung by Vancouver celebrity Mark Donnelly. One protester stripped naked while another used a bike lock to smash a side mirror from the group’s truck.
Abortion advocates also launched a campaign to have Simon Fraser University’s Dr. Alexander Moens, who spoke alongside Donnelly at the launch of the New Abortion Caravan disciplined by the university. According to the Facebook group “Counter-Protesting the New Abortion Caravan,” SFU student Ginger Bic posted, “So much f**king rage. I want to go leave a bloody tampon on his desk or something. Something really gross because he deserves to feel the nausea and disgust that I feel when I realise people like him represent my school.”
Stephanie Gray, executive director of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, the anti-abortion group doing the caravan, expressed dismay over the reaction of abortion advocates. “It is appalling they would attempt to censor our national anthem and resort to such violent and un-Canadian behaviour,” she said.
The Vancouver Police Department is investigating the mirror-smashing incident and are in pursuit of the vandal.
The abortion trucks of Gray’s group have 7-foot tall and 22-foot long billboards with graphic abortion imagery and are driving around Vancouver today, making their way into the Fraser Valley and Okanagan in the coming days. (Footage of the caravan launch at the Art Gallery can be viewed here.)