By John-Henry Westen
LIMA, March 9, 2007 ( – Peru, a pro-life country which in 2002 officially declared March 25 the “day of the unborn child,” seems to have succumbed to international pressure to legalize abortion. The Peruvian daily “El Comercio” reports that a directive which went into effect in February allows for “therapeutic termination of pregnancy” up to the 22nd week of pregnancy.
The directive specifies that such ‘therapeutic’ abortions are available in one of 17 different health conditions.
The policy was put in place at the main state maternity hospital Instituto Materno Perinatal in Lima. And while health ministry officials contacted by the newspaper say the directive is only applicable at the state hospital, a pro-abortion group has hailed it as applying to the whole country. “This protocol will guarantee a safe procedure for those women whose pregnancies should be terminated for medical reasons, thus protecting their lives and their health,” said the Center for the Promotion and Defense of Sexual Rights.
Peru’s former Minister of Health, Luis Solari, said therapeutic abortion was a euphemism for legalizing abortion for any reason. “Under this guise they are introducing a giant list of illnesses that have nothing to do with endangering the life of the mother. With this logic any child with Down’s Syndrome will be killed before he is born,” Solari warned.
The United Nations, the World Health Organization, the UK and USAID have all pushed the once strongly pro-life country to give in to abortion.
To voice concern to the Peruvian Health Minister Carlos Vallejos email (he does understand English):
[email protected]
See related coverage:
World Health Organization Campaigning with False Science to open Peru to Abortifacients
Peru Being Illegally Targeted for Abortion by USAID
United Nations Pushing Abortion Politics in Peru
Peru Gov’t Strongly Objects To Pro-Abortion UK Aid Conditions
(with files from the Catholic News Agency)