
OTTAWA, June 22 ( – in her June 22 column, “Manning looks like a leader”, Financial Post editor Diane Francis declares that Preston Manning would now be the best choice for leader of the Canadian Alliance. Francis’ support for Manning is summed up by noting that her first choice, Tom Long, has no hope of winning thanks to his membership fiasco and that Stockwell Day is open to pro-life initiatives within the party. Francis does not explain why she does not consider Preston Manning to be a threat to the abortion status quo.

In an uncharacteristically open display of her intense, if not extreme, pro-abortion position, Francis says Day “should totally disavow his (pro-life) stance.” Attributing her intolerance (she said “fringe fundamentalists” should start their own party) to the whole population, Francis says “this (pro-life) viewpoint is unacceptable to Canadians.”  She dogmatically asserts that “abortion is nobody else’s business except the woman who decides she must undergo such a procedure.” Raising the rhetoric of the controversy several notches, Ms. Francis writes: “Any law that would force someone to have a child she did not want, or could not look after or have to put up for adoption, would be an act of state-sanctioned violence.” The already conceived and living pre-born child does not appear to have any existence in Francis’ world.

For more on Diane Francis from LifeSite see:
Influential Writer Calls For End To Church Tax Exemption