
LONDON, May 17, 2005 ( – A UK abortion group has released figures revealing a “dramatic rise” in the number of women having repeat abortions – one in three abortions is committed on women who have already had at least one abortion, according to a London Daily Mail report.

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service – a taxpayer-funded agency and the UK’s largest abortion provider – argued the abortions were for “lifestyle” reasons, as only one in 100 is committed for so-called health reasons. BPAS also said that 20 to 24 year-olds now comprise the largest group of women having abortions – women who are in college or who are starting their careers – who deem pregnancy as something that would get in the way of their careers.

Of the 181,582 abortions committed in England and Wales in 2003, 57,241 – 32 percent – were in women who had had a previous abortion, an increase of one-third over previous statistics from 1993. There was an overall 3.2 percent increase in abortion numbers compared to 2002, and a 15 percent increase over 1993 figures.

The Daily Mail also reports that earlier this year a London woman had reported having aborted six of her unborn children in a span of 12 months. BPAS figures also revealed an eight percent increase from 2002 in girls under 15 having abortions, at 1,171, while 148 of these were younger than 14.

See the London Daily Mail report.
