
LONDON, July 27, 2005 ( – The rising abortion rate in the UK has not deterred family planning lobbyists from insisting on more sex education in schools and public campaigns for “safe sex.” Girls in the UK are at the highest risk ever of aborting their children. After decades of explicit sex education in schools, publicly funded condom programmes and abortion on demand, the results are a steadily rising abortion rate in the early weeks of pregnancy, widespread incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, a plummeting birth rate and aging population.

The abortion rate in 2004 was highest for women in the 18-19 and 20-24 age groups. Among those under 14 the rate rose by 6%. 88% of abortions were carried out at less than 13 weeks of the pregnancy.

A Health Department spokesman said that they hope to reduce the abortion rate by the same methods that have helped it to rise: by providing more contraception and more condom campaigns. The government has allotted £40 million to “improve access to contraceptive services.” The spokesman said, “We will also shortly be launching a major public information campaign – educating young people on the importance of safer sex.”

Anne Weyman, chief executive of the Family Planning Association, said, “These figures highlight the urgent need to improve NHS contraceptive services.”

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, (SPUC) said that the effort to fight abortion with contraception is like fighting fire with gasoline. Anthony Ozimic, SPUC political secretary, commented, “It is policy, not legislation, that the government should change. It should stop its ruthless attempt to rush women as quickly as possible through the abortion mill, in its frenzy to cut waiting times. It should end its policy of promoting secret abortions on teenagers without telling their parents, and it should stop the counter-productive sex-education programmes that the pro-abortion lobby promotes widely.”

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  Safe Sex” Education not Working in the US
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