MANILA, May 26, 2005 ( – Manila’s mayor, Lito Atienza, has ordered his police chief to stop the trade in abortion drugs in Manila. In October 2000, Atienza vowed that he would arrest anyone trying to bring the killer abortion drug RU-486 into the city and now he has given Western Police District director Chief Superintendent Pedro Bulaong a mandate to stop the trade that is being carried on illicitly by UN-supported NGO’s.
RU-486 has been the cause of death not only of uncounted children, but in many cases of their mothers as well. This move has infuriated foreign-funded population control activists.
Atienza, also chairs Pro-Life Philippines and has stood up to the international population control lobby on many issues. He has also been excoriated in the foreign press for pointing out that a condom is inadequate in the campaign against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. “A condom is not a guarantee against AIDS because the virus is so minuscule, smaller than a sperm cell perhaps, that it can pass through it,” he said.
In February 2000, Atienza declared the city’s “commitment and support to the responsible parenthood movement, natural family planning . . . while discouraging the use of artificial methods of contraception like condoms, pills, intrauterine devices, surgical sterilization and others.”
Abortion groups, funded heavily through the United Nations population control body the UNFPA, unused as they are to their agenda being effectively opposed, have complained that they feel they are being persecuted. Carolina Ruiz-Austria, of the Reproductive Health Advocacy Network (RHAN) said, “They were told that what they are doing is forbidden in Manila. It’s unnerving.” Such groups also complain that there is a growing opposition to their efforts in the Philippines and that the country is becoming more pro-life in public opinion.
The Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development received reports that some towns in Batangas, Camarines Sur, Palawan and Bukidnon are following Atienza’s lead.