WICHITA, KS, October 2, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) -ÂOperation Rescue has uncovered documents that reveal that child rapist Robert A. Estrada was captured with the help of abortion clinic medical records that had been subpoenaed as a result of Attorney General Phill Kline’s investigation into criminal wrong-doing at abortion clinics. (see the documents here: https://www.operationrescue.org/images/EstradaComplaint.PDF)
In October, 2005, Kline forwarded the abortion clinic medical records obtained from the now defunct Central Women’s Services in Wichita to the Sedgwick County District Attorney’s office. Those records, along with other information provided by an adoption group that had seen one of the girls, resulted in Estrada’s capture the following month.
Estrada is scheduled for sentencing in Sedgwick County on October 4, 2006, at 1:30 PM on nine felony counts of rape and indecent liberties with a child for the sexual abuse of his two step-daughters, which began when they were 11 and 12 years old resulting in four pregnancies, including two abortions. His wife, Patricia L. Estrada, earlier pled guilty to two counts of child endangerment and is currently serving a 14-month prison sentence.
The case is particularly disturbing because the girls’ abuse went unreported for years even though their sexual activity was obvious to adults who came in contact with them – including abortionist Sherman Zaremski and workers at Central Women’s Services where they obtained abortions. The abortion clinic personnel never reported the suspected rapes to the authorities, as mandated by law, when the girls obtained abortions there even though the girls were younger than fifteen, but instead returned the girls to their abuser where the rapes continued. State law states sexual activity in children aged 15 or under is, by definition, criminal activity and must be reported. Such reporting could have stopped the abuse years earlier.
“This case alone validates Kline’s abortion clinic investigations and subpoenas for medical records. There is no doubt that without the medical records produced by Central Women’s Services in response to Kline’s subpoenas, those girls would still be enduring unspeakable abuse to this day,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Kline has been under attack in the media for his investigations into unreported child rape and illegal late term abortions. Abortionist George Tiller of Wichita and a Planned Parenthood in Kansas City appealed Kline’s subpoenas for abortion clinic medical records. However, Central Women’s Services cooperated with the subpoenas resulting in the Estrada convictions and the prosecution of another child rapist in Marshall County, in addition to investigations in three other states.
“If records from an abortion clinic like Central Women’s Services that did relatively few abortions have led to so many investigations and convictions, you know there are perhaps dozens of cases abuse that Tiller and Planned Parenthood are hiding,” said Newman.
“It is obvious that Tiller and Planned Parenthood would rather have children continue to be abused rather than turn over records that would prove that they have been violating Kansas law. For the sake of those poor little girls, the Attorney General’s investigations must continue. It could be their only hope of deliverance from their rapists.”