
TORONTO, July 24 ( – Abortionist Henry Morgentaler, the father of abortion in Canada, has again spouted his controversial theory that abortion has lowered the crime rate. He is in effect saying that crime is being reduced by killing off those babies still in their mother’s wombs who, because of their circumstances, might turn out to be criminals. He is nonetheless taken seriously by some mainstream media.

The Saint John Times Globe, The Toronto Sun, The Whitehorse Star, The Winnipeg Sun, and of course the Vancouver Sun among others uncritically carried Morgentaler’s diatribe Friday. Morgentaler states that “fewer unwanted children are being born. It is the unwanted children who are likely to be abused or neglected (thus) my theory that access to abortion is one of the main reasons for. . . a continuing decline in crime in Canada.” This, Morgentaler calls “the best guarantee of a safer, gentler society.”