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Bishop Joseph E. StricklandAmerican Life League/YouTube screenshot

FREDERICKSBURG, Virginia (LifeSiteNews) – As faithful Catholics prayed the Rosary outside of a late-term abortion facility in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, the door opened and suddenly the abortionist was standing there. 

He asked the group of Marian Blue Wave participants, “Who is paying you to be here?” When they replied that they were there voluntarily and not being paid, the man announced, “Well, I will pay you $100 not to come back!”

“This story out of New Jersey confirms that our Marian Blue Wave is making an impact,” declared Katie Brown, Director of the American Life League’s growing Catholic movement to eliminate abortion. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, Virginia, the organization has been on the front lines of the nationwide pro-life effort for over 40 years.

Under Brown’s direction, over its two-year existence, the Marian Blue Wave has gathered nearly five thousand participants in all 50 states and 31 different countries and is growing daily.

The Marian Blue Wave is a call to Catholics throughout America to pray a weekly Rosary with the specific intentions of ending all types of abortions and shutting down every Planned Parenthood facility. The American Life League celebrates the second anniversary of its Marian Blue Wave on October 7, 2021, and invites Catholics across the nation to join the initiative.

Brown explained that in addition to the overarching aim of ending abortion throughout the nation, the specific goals of the Marian Blue Wave are to:

  • Shut down every Planned Parenthood facility in the United States (Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in America).
  • Shut down all other abortion facilities in the United States.
  • Change the hearts of Catholics who advocate for or promote abortion in any way.

“With the grace of God and the intercession of His blessed mother, we pray the Rosary for an end to all types of abortion, for the closure of all Planned Parenthood and abortion facilities, and for the protection of our Lord in the Eucharist,” stated Brown. 

“We need this because we have been fighting abortion politically for over 40 years, and nothing has changed. The Marian Blue Wave focuses on the true evil behind abortion, and rallies people together to fight that evil with our most powerful weapon: the Rosary.”

Brown believes that dedicated prayer will “refocus the fight against abortion from politics, to putting our faith back in God to end the deep-rooted evil of abortion.”

The Marian Blue Wave has its roots in an invitation by Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, for all Catholics to “refocus on the beautiful gift of the Rosary, and the call to prayer that the Blessed Virgin Mary has given us so many times.”

“With this Marian Blue Wave, we certainly pray for the sanctity of life, from conception to natural death,” added Strickland. “And we pray for healing in the world and the Church at this time.”

Learn more about the Marian Blue Wave, join the movement, and find resources for participation at the website.

About American Life League

The American Life League has been part of the pro-life abortion debate from its inception. Since 1979, the American Life League has committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to death with a pro-life integrity that stands up for every innocent human being whose life is threatened by a “culture of death.” For more information visit