Updated at 2:49 p.m. on 5/9/2014 to include comment from Rusty Lee Thomas.
CHARLOTTE, NC, May 9, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A North Carolina abortionist who was caught on video saying he aborts “ugly black babies” has been arrested for allegedly raping and imprisoning a woman inside his Charlotte home.
A local woman told police that Dr. Ashutosh “Ron” Virmani lured her to his home on Charlestowne Manor Drive on Wednesday afternoon so they could discuss a business deal, but then raped her and refused to let her leave.
Local sources say Virmani may have met the woman at A Preferred Women's Health Clinic, where he has performed abortions for years. The center would not confirm for local media whether he still works there. However, local pro-life activists tell LifeSiteNews they have seen Virmani regularly entering the facility in recent days to ply his trade.
The woman, whom police describe only as a 49-year-old white woman, reported the crime after seeking treatment at the Carolinas Medical Center-Main.
Police arrested Virmani at 3:09 a.m. Thursday morning and released him hours later on a $150,000 bond. He is charged with second-degree rape and two counts of second-degree sexual offense.
Virmani made headlines when pro-life advocates recorded him at his home on July 26, 2012, saying his abortions target “ugly black babies.”
“I as a taxpayer do not wish to pay for those babies,” he said, adding that those children would only be “born and brought up and kill” people. Operation Save America, the pro-life outreach led by Rev. Flip Benham, recorded his remarks.
Virmani is an avid donor to the Democratic Party, which supports taxpayer-funded abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Records show that Virmani gave funds to the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, as well as $1,250 to John Edwards in 2000, $1,000 to John Kerry in 2004, and $250 to Hillary Clinton in 2008. He has also donated funds to former North Carolina Governor Bev Purdue and 2012 Democratic candidate for governor Walter Dalton, both of whom support abortion. It does not appear that Virmani donated to Barack Obama, the first black president.
Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, told LifeSiteNews that there is “a huge but little-known problem with sex abuse and harassment inside the abortion clinics themselves, where vulnerable women are shamefully betrayed by those 'doctors' in whom they have misplaced their trust.”
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Virmani's arrest occurred just days after former Planned Parenthood abortionist Roger Ian Hardy surrendered his medical license over charges of sexual harassment. Former abortionist Brian Finkel is serving 34 years in prison for raping dozens of his patients.
Virmani is scheduled to appear in court in Mecklenburg County this afternoon.
“Without a doubt, the abortion industry is collapsing under the weight of its own sin,” Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas of Operation Save America said. “May he finally take heed to the Word of God that has been so graciously offered to him on many occasions. May he repent, believe, and receive the salvation of Christ to transform his life. And may he use his skill as a doctor to bring health and healing, instead of death and destruction in Jesus' name.”