SACRAMENTO, California, Feb 17 (LifeSiteNews) – US pro-lifers using a hidden video camera have captured on tape footage of abortuary “escorts” physically harassing pro-lifers. has put the video on the Internet for global access.
The author of the site notes that pro-life sidewalk counselors are often accused of harassing and blocking women trying to enter to get an abortion, often engaging in illegal behaviour. “These allegations of illegal activity are cited to justify onerous “bubble-zone” ordinances and injunctions that further hinder the opportunity for pro-lifers to exercise their First Amendment rights,” he says.
The animated GIFs, on the site, show what really occurs on the sidewalk. The hidden video camera captures numerous instances of abortion clinic escorts physically assaulting pro-lifers and hindering their passage on public sidewalks and public streets. This video is of further interest because it includes shots of the founders of SACAOR (Sacramento Area Coalition Against Operation Rescue) at the time that they were compiling the BACAOR/SACAOR Clinic Escort Training Manual, which teaches trainees how to assault their pro-life opponents.
See the video footage.