NEW YORK, November 22, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A study in the current issue of the journal Fertility and Sterility, the official journal of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, boasts that artificial fertility techniques have become more effective over the years. The author of the study, Dr. James P. Toner, of the Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine in Woodstock, Georgia, writes that the rate of births per IVF attempt at pregnancy has increased from 10% to 30% from 1985 to 1999. However, a look at the government statistics Toner used in his analysis reveal that approximately 170,000 human embryos created in 1999 (when the practice became more effective according to Toner’s analysis) died in the process of attempting to conceive a child via in vitro fertilization. The statistics from the Centers for Disease Control indicate that in 1999, some 21,501 children were born using assisted reproductive techniques (ART). In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) accounts for 73.5% of the ART methods. In order to achieve the 21,501 births, 86,822 ART cycles were reported wherein on average 3 embryos are transferred per cycle. See the Reuters coverage of the study: https://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20021120/hl_nm/reproduction_success_dc_2 See the CDC stats on the 1999 ART report: https://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/drh/ART99/section1.htm