ROME, Italy, June 1, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – In a recently published exchange of letters with a cloistered nun, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò argues that the Second Vatican Council is at the root of the current grave challenges embroiling the Church and the world, including the crisis developing out of the coronavirus pandemic. The former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States says recognizing Vatican II’s role is essential to fighting the Church’s enemies today.
“I believe that the essential point for effectively conducting a spiritual, doctrinal and moral battle against the enemies of the Church is the persuasion that the present crisis is the metastasis of the conciliar cancer,” he wrote in a letter dated May 29.
“If we have not understood the causal relationship between Vatican II and its logical and necessary consequences over the course of the last sixty years,” Viganò said, “it will not be possible to steer the rudder of the Church back to the direction given it by her Divine Helmsman, the course that it maintained for two thousand years.”
Following the Second Vatican Council, Viganò said, “they catechized us with the hateful phrase ‘there is no going back’ with regard to the Liturgy, the Faith, moral teaching, penance, asceticism.”
Now, “we hear the same expressions slavishly repeated in the civil sphere, through which the attempt is made to indoctrinate the masses that ‘nothing will be as it was before.’”
Thus, according to the former Apostolic Nuncio, “Modernism and Covid-19 are part of the same brand.” For people having “their gaze towards the transcendent it is not difficult to understand that the greatest fear of those who want us to believe that the race towards the abyss is both unavoidable and unstoppable is that we will not believe them, ignore them, and unmask their conspiracy.”
On May 8, Viganò had released an “Appeal for the Church and the world to Catholics and all people of good will,” which was also signed by Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and several other cardinals and bishops.
In it, he said there is “reason to believe, on the basis of official data on the incidence of the epidemic as related to the number of deaths, that there are powers interested in creating panic among the world’s population with the sole aim of permanently imposing unacceptable forms of restriction on freedoms, of controlling people and of tracking their movements. The imposition of these illiberal measures is a disturbing prelude to the realization of a world government beyond all control.”
Following the publication of the Appeal, a cloistered religious sister, who remains unnamed, reached out to the archbishop. Both Viganò’s response and the religious sister’s initial letter were first published by Italian journalist and Vatican expert Marco Tosatti. They are reproduced in full below.
The archbishop also mentioned in his May 29 letter “the epochal clash between Good and Evil, between the sons of Light and the sons of Darkness.”
Without naming names, he called out “the top levels of the Hierarchy” for “openly placing themselves at the service of the Prince of this world, adopting the demands made by the United Nations for the globalist agenda, Masonic brotherhood, Malthusian ecologism, immigrationism.”
He argued that “a single world religion without dogmas or morals, according to the wishes of Freemasonry” is currently being created. Speaking of Pope Francis, Viganò said “it is obvious that Bergoglio, along with those who are behind him and support him, aspires to preside over this infernal parody of the Church of Christ.”
“Behold how openly the proponents of world government and the élites who want to impose their tyranny on the peoples may now be seen; behold how, along with them, a neo-paganism is also openly revealing itself as the religious arm of this tyranny, defined by some as green apostasy,” he wrote.
Beyond abandonment to Jesus Christ and Our Lady, Viganò also had a practical suggestion as “our duty, today.” He called on people who already understand the problems within the Church and the world “to open the eyes of many people, both clergy and religious, who have not yet put together the overall picture, limiting themselves to looking at reality only in a partial and disjointed way.”
Viganò is confident that “[a]s soon as we have helped them to understand the mechanism, they will understand everything else.”
“It is [emphasis in the original] possible to go back, dear Sister,” the archbishop concluded his letter, “it is possible to do so in such a way that the good that was fraudulently taken from us may be restored: but only in the coherence of doctrine, without compromises, without yielding, without opportunism.”
Archbishop Viganò has been living in hiding since his August 2018 letter accusing Pope Francis of not enforcing the sanctions placed upon then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
McCarrick, who from 2000 until 2006 was the Archbishop of Washington, D.C., was found guilty by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 2019 of “solicitation in the Sacrament of Confession, and sins against the Sixth Commandment with minors and with adults, with the aggravating factor of the abuse of power.”
However, some members of the hierarchy already knew about McCarrick’s crimes, including Pope Benedict, who imposed sanctions on him. According to Viganò, “the Cardinal was to leave the seminary where he was living, he was forbidden to celebrate [Mass] in public, to participate in public meetings, to give lectures, to travel, with the obligation of dedicating himself to a life of prayer and penance.”
A cloistered sister writes to Vigano. The two letters.
Reprinted with permission from Marco Tossati’s website.
Most Reverend Excellency Monsignor Carlo Viganò,
I am a cloistered religious sister, and I am writing to you after a conversation I had with our spiritual Father. Our conversation concerned your latest “Appeal” which has gone around the world to awaken consciences about the imminent danger that is underneath the mask of the “coronavirus” emergency. And it is interesting to note that even non-believers are alarmed at the despotic course of events. The situation is increasingly overwhelming, but the strategy being used by Bergoglio and the forces allied with him employs a technique of isolation and disintegration of any group that could possibly form a counter-force. I call it “counter-force” because the word “resistance” seems to me to be too “human” and somewhat insufficient.
It is most probable that in the near future the preparation for the manifestation of the Antichrist will become ever more imposed and oppressive, also due to the steps that Bergoglio himself will decide to take in preparation. The objective, obviously, is to eliminate the “hot heads” – those who are subversive and who stand in the way of a plan that has already been designed and that now waits for nothing else other than to be fully realized. The concern that I expressed to our spiritual Father is the fact that there is no “counter-organization” even within the “true Church” that could be a sort of “clandestine Church” capable of mobilizing itself in a coordinated way to the extent that this may be possible. The next steps [of Bergoglio] will be specifically aimed at immobilizing any sort of rebellion, in line with his “strategy” of isolation and rendering action impossible (a strategy that is no longer hidden).
As a cloistered nun, I believe in very different “strategies” – supernatural strategies – that notably escape the notice of the most organized and totalitarian forces. But the problem is that the time seems to me to be very short. And in this regard, I am pleased to let you know that our Mother Abbess often reads to us at table from your lucid and well-outlined interventions. Whenever the voice of rectitude and love for Christ and His Church is heard, one cannot help but recognize it.
The spiritual Father suggested to me that I should write these reflections to you, encouraging you to continue going forward. I will tell you right away that I am not a mystic nor even a saint, but I am speaking on behalf of many other silent voices of the Church to tell you that you are not alone and that the battle has only just begun.
Looking at the signatures of the Appeal it seems to me that there are many possibilities for working to create some sort of coordination, a “going forward together” as the little army of the Immaculata (…and I also include here non-believers as a “potential members” of the same army, even unknowingly). If Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe called the Blessed Mother “The Ever-Victorious One,” it is also true that the Bull of Pius IX authoritatively declares her to be “The Eternal Enemy” of the devil. And you know better than I that the battle to which I refer is precisely this one: the real stakes in this battle are the eternal salvation of many souls.
And so this poor letter wants to be a small encouragement to you not to give up and also to continue in a constructive dialogue with those “few” but good clergy and religious who are suffering for the same reasons. There could be many inspirations of the Holy Spirit in these souls in close collaboration. As for the slanders, misunderstandings, and various personal attacks they are making you suffer, these are all things that you have known personally and that represent the jewels set in the crown that awaits you…but it is a “crown” that is not yet complete: the Immaculata wants to place the most precious jewels in it herself.
I would like to conclude with a reference to the famous miracle attributed to Saint Clare which caused the Saracens who were already on the walls of her monastery to flee and never return. The miracle occurred as a result of her faith – she who was defined as the most faithful “Footprint of the Mother of God” – and it was in virtue of her love for the Most Blessed Sacrament, the True Light against any sort of darkness. I say this because “these” are the “powers” in which we trust and which are so feared by our enemies. The miracle occurred only at the last moment, when all human hopes had been erased. If the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart is not far off, now is the time of the battle, and she who is our Leader and Co-Redemptrix wants to see us fight, suffer, and implore Her Victory, which is already at the gates.
I thank you for having listened to me patiently, and I humbly ask you for your blessing for me and for my entire community. Please remember me in your daily Holy Mass.
In Corde Matris
Letter signed by a cloistered religious sister
29 May 2020
Saint Vigilius, Bishop and Martyr
Dear Sister,
Thank you very much for your letter, which I read attentively. I fully share your clear and realistic vision of the present situation of crisis that involves the Church and the world.
With a supernatural gaze, corroborated by Sacred Scripture and various messages of Our Lady, we can understand that in this moment we can now see with greater clarity the real dimension of the epochal clash between Good and Evil, between the sons of Light and the sons of Darkness. What leaves one truly scandalized is seeing how the top levels of the Hierarchy are openly placing themselves at the service of the Prince of this world, adopting the demands made by the United Nations for the globalist agenda, Masonic brotherhood, Malthusian ecologism, immigrationism… What is being created is a single world religion without dogmas or morals, according to the wishes of Freemasonry…it is obvious that Bergoglio, along with those who are behind him and support him, aspires to preside over this infernal parody of the Church of Christ.
I am sure that you have also noticed, dear Sister, the insistence of so many Prelates and of Catholic media on the presumed necessity of a New World Order: Cardinals and Bishops have spoken about it, as well as La Civiltà Cattolica, Vatican News, Avvenire and L’Osservatore Romano, with the arrogance of those who are able to say things that were once unheard of [in Catholic circles] thanks to the protection they enjoy [from the leadership of the hierarchy]. But on closer look, the ability of the wicked to move and act, to conceal their intentions, is much less than first thought: they are so certain of having already reached their objective that they have openly revealed their intentions with arrogance and ostentation, laying aside the prudence and astuteness that formerly permitted them to remain hidden. Behold how openly the proponents of world government and the élites who want to impose their tyranny on the peoples may now be seen; behold how, along with them, a neo-paganism is also openly revealing itself as the religious arm of this tyranny, defined by some as green apostasy. We know who they are, what motivates their actions and what their goals are: behind them there is always the Prince of this world, against whom the Queen of Victories leads our battered militias, together with the far greater and terrible army of celestial hosts. But since we have already chosen what side we are on in the field of battle, we must not fear, because Our Lord has already conquered, while he offers us the precious opportunity to weave for ourselves an especially glorious crown in these apocalyptic days.
I believe that the essential point for effectively conducting a spiritual, doctrinal and moral battle against the enemies of the Church is the persuasion that the present crisis is the metastasis of the conciliar cancer: If we have not understood the causal relationship between Vatican II and its logical and necessary consequences over the course of the last sixty years, it will not be possible to steer the rudder of the Church back to the direction given it by her Divine Helmsman, the course that it maintained for two thousand years. For decades they catechized us with the hateful phrase “there is no going back” with regard to the Liturgy, the Faith, moral teaching, penance, asceticism. Today we hear the same expressions slavishly repeated in the civil sphere, through which the attempt is made to indoctrinate the masses that “nothing will be as it was before.” Modernism and Covid-19 are part of the same brand, and for anyone who has their gaze towards the transcendent it is not difficult to understand that the greatest fear of those who want us to believe that the race towards the abyss is both unavoidable and unstoppable is that we will not believe them, ignore them, and unmask their conspiracy. This is our duty, today: to open the eyes of many people, both clergy and religious, who have not yet put together the overall picture, limiting themselves to looking at reality only in a partial and disjointed way. As soon as we have helped them to understand the mechanism, they will understand everything else.
It is possible to go back, dear Sister, it is possible to do so in such a way that the good that was fraudulently taken from us may be restored: but only in the coherence of doctrine, without compromises, without yielding, without opportunism. The Lord will deign to grant us a share in his victory, even if we are weak and without material means, only if we will abandon ourselves totally to him and to His Most Holy Mother.
I entrust myself to your prayers and to the prayers of your fellow Sisters, and I bless you and your entire community from my heart.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
Translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino @pellegrino2020