Co-authored with Patrick Craine.
TORONTO, July 12, 2013 ( – Only a week before he was arrested for allegedly making and distributing child pornography, the Ontario Liberal government’s former Deputy Minister of Education attended Toronto’s Pride Parade with federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau and Ontario Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne.
Footage of the June 30 “Church on Church Street Service” shows Dr. Benjamin Levin sitting in prominent front-row seats right next to Trudeau, who was next to Wynne.
The sermon’s theme at the annual Pride event was “Celebrating Everyone” and highlighted the catchphrase of the ‘sexual diversity’ movement that “all are welcome”.
Jack Fonseca, project manager at Campaign Life Coalition, told that while Levin has not been convicted, people should not “dismiss concerns” about his influence on Ontario’s “increasingly sexualized school curriculum”.
“By telling themselves, ‘C’mon he’s just one guy: how much influence could he possibly have had?’ they avoid dealing with the ramifications of a person accused of very serious crimes against children and how he may have brought his alleged personal fetishes to bear upon the curriculum so as to sexualize kids and get them sexually active at younger ages.”
Fonseca said that Levin’s place of prominence in the Pride event where he was “sitting with arguably two of the three most powerful people in the country” makes it “very clear that Mr. Levin is not just ‘some guy.’”
“Is it reasonable to assume that this powerful man might possess the wherewithal to bring to bear his personal influence on the comprehensive Equity & Inclusive Education Strategy curriculum?”
“Heck yes, it is,” he said.
Levin, 61, was arrested Monday in the wake of an international child pornography and child exploitation investigation that led to his doorstep. He was charged with making child pornography, distributing child pornography, and agreeing to or arranging for a sexual offence against a child under 16.
Added to those charges later this week were charges of possessing child pornography and accessing child pornography.
With Levin’s extensive involvement in education of children police were reportedly concerned to what extent he had access to schools and school-age children.
Under Levin’s 2004-2009 watch as Ontario’s top education official a provincial sex-education – with an underlying “sexual diversity” agenda – was developed. It began with 6-year-olds being introduced to concepts such as “gender identity” in grade 1. “Sexual orientation” was brought in by grade 3, masturbation by grade 6, and anal and oral sex by grade 7.
The curriculum was shelved by then-Premier Dalton McGuinty in 2010 after strong backlash from outraged parents.
Wynne told reporters in January that she would like to resurrect the controversial program.
“We are going to evolve the physical health and sex education curriculum,” Wynne said on January 27th, reported Xtra. “We have developed curriculum in this province for decades, and we have done it in a way that has integrity.”
Joe Warmington, police reporter for Sun News, said on Sun News’ Byline that he was not surprised to find someone in Levin’s level of government, with the “kind of power” he had, “charged with this kind of heinous act.”
“What we need to do as a society is to find out the influence that this former deputy minister [had],” he said, adding that by the very act of Levin sitting right next to Trudeau and Wynne at the Pride event “indicates power”.
Warmington said that investigators and concerned citizens should look into who put Levin “into power,” who Levin appointed to “key positions,” and what curriculum was he responsible for.
“Let’s not kid ourselves, this investigation is not over.”
Warmington said that when sexually explicit posters start showing up on classroom walls and children are encouraged to visit links from their school board’s website that lead to graphic sexual content, “it makes you wonder, how did these things end up there?”
“The reality is that this is bigger than one person. [Levin] is the person that basically is allegedly the coach, the colonel, the teacher.”
“I think this story is going to go down in the history books if it is delved into properly,” he said.
Gay activists have made the case that school-aged children must become sexualized through sex-ed programs that focus on inclusivity and diversity if the gay-sex movement is to survive and gain ground.
“Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality as normal?” wrote Daniel Villarreal in a 2011 piece that appeared on the popular gay site
“We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it.”
“Recruiting children? You bet we are,” he said. “And I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start f**ing men.”
Fonseca called it a “strange coincidence” that the two provinces where Levin served as Deputy Education Minister (Ontario & Manitoba) are the same provinces pushing controversial legislation involving a “radical sexual agenda, under the guise of anti-bullying.”
“It’s rather interesting too that these three amigos (Trudeau, Wynne and Levin) have been at the forefront of advocating for sexual diversity,” he said.
Fonseca said that since “there’s nothing more precious than our children, we are compelled to closely scrutinize curriculum that has already been accused by parents of sexualizing and confusing children.”