CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, July 3, 2012, ( – As Americans extend their celebration of Independence Day into this weekend, pro-life activists will brave the heat, lining busy highways with signs that show drivers the deadly consequences of abortion.
Members of the Pro-Life Action League will launch the 13th annual “Face the Truth” tour, which will take place from July 6-14. The volunteers will display graphic images of the unborn along busy roadways in a territory swooping from Joliet to Chicago’s western suburbs.
Some object that the images are too graphic or may disturb children. But the protesters say the pictures are not as grisly as the reality they depict.
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Joe Scheidler, founder of the League, explained the images are an apt fit to the Fourth of July celebrations. “We are teaching what abortion is, that it’s destroying the nation,” he explained. “It’s destroying our spirit. It’s anti-American, anti-life.”
He noted the group posts warning signs blocks away to ensure young children or adults with a weak constitution need not view the disturbing images.
“We’ve had women come to us and thank us,” said Eric Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League. “With their abortions already scheduled, they saw our pictures and it changed their hearts.”
Earlier this year, the state of Maryland agreed to pay $385,000 and train state police officers in the Constitution as part of a settlement after violating the First and Fourth Amendment rights of Defend Life members as they conducted a “Face the Truth” event in 2008.
Those interested in volunteering, or starting their own local truth tour, can contact the Pro-Life Action League here.