LOS ANGELES, December 10, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Actor Liam Neeson, the star of Schindler’s List, has been cast as Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the “father of the sexual revolution,” in a Francis Ford Coppola movie that will lionize the “most infamous pedophile propagandist in scientific history,” according to Judith Reisman, the author of Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences. Reisman’s book shows how Kinsey’s hugely flawed 1948 and 1953 reports “undergird the entire modern academic sexology field,” from Planned Parenthood to sex education. Much of his influential research is now known to have been based on unrepresentative prison inmates and unscientific records kept by secret pedophile sources who claimed to have molested hundreds of children from 1917 to 1948. But Oscar-winning screenwriter Bill Condon, who will direct the drama, praised Kinsey, saying there would be “no Playboy or Dr. Ruth without [Kinsey’s] liberating effects.” Reisman has petitioned Neeson, asking him to reject the role. For a full report from WorldNetDaily see: https://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=29891 See previous LifeSite reports on Kinsey: KINSEY: CRIME OF THE CENTURY https://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/1999/jan/99012803.html MORE ALFRED KINSEY HORRORS EXPOSED https://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/1998/aug/98081104.html GAY ACTIVIST ADMITS FOUNDATION OF LIES https://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/1999/feb/99020202.html
LOS ANGELES, December 10, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Actor Liam Neeson, the star of Schindler’s List, has been cast as Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the “father of the sexual revolution,” in a Francis Ford Coppola movie that will lionize the “most infamous pedophile propagandist in scientific history,” according to Judith Reisman, the author of Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences. Reisman’s book shows how Kinsey’s hugely flawed 1948 and 1953 reports “undergird the entire modern academic sexology field,” from Planned Parenthood to sex education. Much of his influential research is now known to have been based on unrepresentative prison inmates and unscientific records kept […]