CALGARY, Feb 22 ( – A conference of the Seventh-day Adventists held at their Canadian University College near Lacombe Feb 12, addressed the need for conscience legislation to protect against being forced to participate in abortion. The conference, “A Religious Conscience Clause for Healthcare Workers,” heard from Edmonton MLA Julius Yankowsky who has sponsored Private Member’s Bill 212 in the Alberta Legislature, defining “health-care professionals’ conscience rights.”
The Calgary Herald reports that the keynote speaker, Lincoln Steed, editor of the Adventist’s Liberty magazine, said “That a public employer might instead try to force Christian nurses to engage in late-term abortions should be a wake-up call to all people of faith. Our society is losing its view of mankind as a creation of God, made in his image.” “The state has a duty at least to protect the rights of workers who object to such procedures,” he said. The issue has been a hot one in Calgary since the Foothills hospital fiasco last year where it was discovered that nurses were being forced to participate in late-term eugenic abortions.
(with files from Pro-Life E-News)
See coverage of the Foothills fiasco.