COLUMBIA, Missouri, November 23, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – “If we’re not careful,” America's legacy will be one of a “death culture,” former U.S. Representative Allen West warned at a pro-life event on Sunday.
Speaking to a Vitae Foundation event, West cautioned the crowd about abortion's racist outcomes.
“I came from the same neighborhood as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr,” the Fox News contributor and African-American leader said. “Since the Roe decision, almost 15 million African American children won’t know about Dr. King’s dream.”
West said he “cannot think of” a better time for the pro-life movement to go on the “offense” than after this election cycle. He likened the pro-life movement's recent political victories to the U.S. Army's actions after battle, which are always reviewed even if they were successful. West stressed that achieving political victory doesn't mean the pro-life movement can relax yet.
“We will not be truly blessed as a nation until we right this wrong” of abortion, he said. “If we are a country that continues to have a business in killing our future generations, God will not bless America.”
The left is sure to strike back against pro-lifers and conservatives, and “it’s going to be a vicious counter-attack,” said West, but at this moment “we have the opportunity to destroy progressive socialism.”
West also lamented the “decimation of the American family” and called on the Trump administration to take advantage of the chance it has to change the country's moral course.