
OTTAWA, December 19, 2001 ( – Canadian Alliance leadership contender Grant Hill has stood his ground against the media’s hounding him for comments made five years ago about homosexuality being an “unhealthy lifestyle.” Rather than trying to back down from his statement, Hill said, “That’s a comment made as a physician, the same as I do with lifestyles I think are harmful for individuals. Political correctness is something that is very foreign to doctors. We take scientific information and lay it on the table and that’s what I did and I will continue to do.”

At the time Hill noted that sexually active homosexuals suffer from “HIV, gay bowel syndrome, increasing parasitic infections, lowered life expectancy and … hepatitis.”

Describing his plan for cooperation with the federal Tories he said, “I think we could get an agreement in every riding in this country to have one candidate carrying the banner of small-c conservative.”

Source: Toronto Sun Dec. 19, 2001