CHICAGO, February 5, 2002 ( – In a press release issued yesterday, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) revealed their new policy statement in support of homosexual adoptions. The release notes that “new AAP policy statement, ‘Coparent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents’ supports legal and legislative efforts that provide for the possibility of adoption of those children by the second parent or coparent in same-sex relationships.”
The February issue of the AAP publication Pediatrics also contains an article entitled “Technical Report: Coparent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents” which claims to cite evidence that “children who grow up with gay or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social and sexual functioning as children whose parents are heterosexual.”
Dr. William J. Maier, a child and family psychologist with Focus on the Family responded to the decision. “It seems clear that the American Academy of Pediatrics has submitted to the will of homosexual activists within its ranks—at the expense of scientific honesty and the very children it seeks to serve.” Dr. Maier noted, “Studies on this topic are fraught with methodological flaws, motivated by political agendas and ultimately offer no scientific justification for this hazardous recommendation.” He observed that the decision, “defies what decades of research confirm—that children do best when there is a mother and father, married to one another, in the home. Both mothers and fathers provide unique and irreplaceable contributions. Children desperately need this balance-and no amount of political posturing can change that.”
See the AAP and Focus on the Family releases: