
By Hilary White

  NEW YORK, March 26, 2007 ( – The US based human rights organization, Amnesty International, has attacked a bill proposed in Poland to defend children from homosexual propagandizing in schools.

  Amnesty, recently under fire for their proposal to support abortion as an international human right, issued a press release last week that slammed the Polish coalition government for proposing legislation that they say would create an “official climate of bias,” against homosexuals.

  The bill would impose disciplinary penalties on school principals who allowed homosexual activists onto school property to propagandize children into acceptance of the “gay lifestyle.”

“In Poland homosexual activists have tried to distribute very obscene leaflets to school children. This needs to be stopped, for the sake of our children, their safety and freedom from this kind of harassment,” explained the bill’s sponsor, Krzysztof Bosak.

  Amnesty says that protection of children works the other way and that far from protecting them, the law would “deprive students of their rights to free expression and free association.”

  International pressure is growing to push the strongly Catholic nation to accept the full gamut of post-Christian sexual mores including abortion and gay “marriage.” But recent polls have shown that the Polish people broadly support the retention of laws defending traditional Judeo-Christian values.

  Michael Heflin, director of Amnesty International USA’s OUTfront Program called on the world to “tell Polish authorities that this is completely unacceptable.” The OUTfront Program is Amnesty’s homosexual lobby promoting the normalization of homosexuality under the rubric of human rights.

  OUTfront’s webpage at the Amnesty site includes a number of action items against alleged “homophobic” human rights abuses in Poland, Uganda and the Philippines, all strongly Christian countries attempting to retain their Christian national character against outside influences.

  Bosak, at 24 the youngest MP ever voted into the Polish parliament, warning of the medical dangers of homosexual activity, told Polish radio earlier this month, “What we oppose is the dangerous political and social movement that uses the problems of gay people to push forward an agenda that is dangerous to the foundations of our civilization.”
  Read related coverage:
  Polish Legislation to Protect School Children from Homosexual Propaganda Proposed

  EU to Force Poland, Malta, Italy to Recognize Gay “Marriages”