VANCOUVER, March 3, 2003 ( – The Rt. Rev. Terrence Buckle, the Anglican Bishop of Yukon, has offered alternative Episcopal oversight to eight New Westminster (B.C.) parishes which are opposed to their Bishop and Diocesan Synod’s decision to allow same-sex blessings in churches. In a statement, Bishop Buckle notes that his offer is a matter of urgency since several international Anglican Primates are prepared to step in themselves to address the matter. However, the Primates all agree that a Canadian solution is the ideal way forward. A statement from several International Primates says that the allowance of same-sex blessings is “schismatic and contravene(s) submission to the sovereign authority of Holy Scripture and loyalty to our Anglican tradition and formularies.” The Primates note that “such schismatic actions of the Synod and Bishop Michael Ingham create an exceptional pastoral emergency” and thus they recommend the proposed alternative oversight. The letter was signed by
Archbishop of West Indies, The Most Revd Drexel Wellington Gomez Archbishop of Central Africa, The Most Revd Bernard Amos Malango Archbishop of Kenya, The Most Revd Benjamin M. P. Nzimbi Archbishop of Congo, The Most Revd Dr. Fidele Balufuga Dirokpa Archbishop of Rwanda, The Most Revd Emmanuel Musaba Kolini Archbishop of South East Asia, The Most Revd Datuk Yong Ping Chung For more see the Anglican media coverage: