SANTA PAULA, California, February 10, 2012 ( – In a strongly-worded letter addressed to California’s two U.S. senators, Thomas Aquinas College President Michael McLean expressed “strong disapproval” over Obama’s mandate that would require the school’s employee health plan to include coverage for sterilization, abortifacients, and contraception.
“Voluntary sterilization, abortion, and artificial contraception are all directly contrary to Catholic teaching and cannot, in any way, be supported by individual Catholics or Catholic institutions desiring to live in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church,” McLean stated in the letter.
Thomas Aquinas College, located in southern California, is a prominent Catholic liberal arts college leading a revival in education by means of the Great Books.
McLean lambasted the federal government’s plan that would effectively force “individuals and organizations to go out into the marketplace and buy a product that violates their conscience.”
McLean pointed out that the Americans hold dear the “long tradition of honoring freedom of conscience for its citizens.”
“We at Thomas Aquinas College hope, therefore, that you will join with us and with all who believe in the Constitution and religious liberty to oppose this mandate. I urge you to expend every effort to have it withdrawn,” he concluded.
A copy of the letter was also sent to President Barack Obama and to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services.
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