EXETER, May 17, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A young British mother has said she was lectured by a general practitioner (GP) who told her she had been “irresponsible” for bringing two children into the world, and that Britain should adopt a population control policy like China’s. Mother of two Charlotte Comer, 21, said that she went to see Dr. Justin Landen on Monday for a prescription for antibiotics to treat her tonsilitis, but came away in tears when he told her that Britain needs an official One Child policy.
She told the Exeter Express and Echo that he gave her the prescription and then launched into a tirade, saying that Britain is overpopulated. He later called to apologize but Comer has launched a complaint to the National Health Service and the Hill Barton Surgery in Exeter, Devon.
Comer, who is the mother of two small boys, said, “I was gobsmacked. I never cry, but as soon as I got out I just burst into tears. I was so angry.” She said that she told the doctor that she didn’t know why the conversation was relevant to her situation. He had asked her if she was planning on having more children. She replied that she was considering it, but not until she and her children’s father were married.
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“I started explaining that we both came from big families so we’d like more children – and then he said he didn’t think coming from big families justified having more children.
“He then started talking about how the country is overpopulated and anyone who has more than two children is irresponsible. He started going on about how this country should be like China where people are only allowed one child.”
Comer said that the doctor added that the government would not be giving out welfare benefits for much longer. “I told him my partner works 70 hours a week as a courier and I am on maternity leave, and we weren’t on benefits. I don’t think he knew what to say to that, so he asked me why we would want more children if my partner works 70 hours a week and doesn’t have enough time with his children already.
“He used that as a reason for us not to have more children,” Comer told the media.
The Express and Echo published a statement from the NHS that said, “Dr. Landen offered advice regarding ongoing contraception. There was no intention whatsoever to cause offence or distress and Dr. Landen apologises if this has upset his patient.
“Dr. Landen’s priority as a GP is always to meet the health needs of his patients and at no point was this advice ill intended.”