WORLD WIDE WEB, Jan 19 (LSN) – America Online and ABC have both dedicated web space to highlight the abortion issue in recognition of the 25th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. And both sites offer a decidedly biased presentation in favour of abortion. America Online is publishing articles from leaders of national organizations that deal with the abortion issue and also providing for live events featuring notable public figures. The articles are written by: Wanda Franz, President, National Right to Life Committee Kate Michelman, President, NARAL Gloria Feldt, President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America Frances Kissling, President, Catholics for Free Choice Dr. Sig Linda Jacobson, Director of High Risk OB at OHSU Taking a look at the articles, only one of the five authors presents a pro-life view. Live events: Kate Michelman, President of NARAL Wednesday, January 21, 2-3 p.m. Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ), the co-chairman of the House Pro-Life Caucus, and Representative George Miller (D-CA), the Minority Whip at Large and a staunch supporter of pro-choice. January 21, 5 – 6 p.m. Catholics for Free Choice and National Right to Life Committe meet to debate abortion rights on the anniversary of the Roe decision. Thursday, January 22, 6-7 p.m… While two of the events are debates between a pro-life and pro-abortion figure, Kate Michelman of the notorious pro-abortion group NARAL is allowed a full hour of uncontested propaganda. To voice your concerns contact AOL at [email protected] ABC’s website offers an even more biased anti-life stance as it offers the following pages: a) ‘“Better’ Abortions Ahead.” b) “The Pro-Choice Web Site.” c) “Fewer Places for Abortions” d) “Ban Evokes Bitter Words.” e) “Abortion and the Law” Of all the stories only the final one has even a glimmer of pro-life sentiment with a comment from the National Right to Life Committee, however, the page features only one wav audio clip: Vicki Saporta of the National Abortion Federation.
WORLD WIDE WEB, Jan 19 (LSN) – America Online and ABC have both dedicated web space to highlight the abortion issue in recognition of the 25th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. And both sites offer a decidedly biased presentation in favour of abortion. America Online is publishing articles from leaders of national organizations that deal with the abortion issue and also providing for live events featuring notable public figures. The articles are written by: Wanda Franz, President, National Right to Life Committee Kate Michelman, President, NARAL Gloria Feldt, President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America Frances Kissling, President, Catholics for Free […]