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CUPERTINO, California, February 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Want to abort your baby?  There's an app for that.

Apple has “fixed” its software, “Siri,” to correctly interpret inquiries for abortion business locations.

“Siri” is an “intelligent personal assistant” on the Apple iPhone that you can use to find pretty much anything. Simply say, “Where can I get a good steak?,” and the Siri software will list steakhouses near your location.

But say, “Where can I get an abortion?,” and, since 2011, Siri would look up “abortion” –but because abortion facilities are deceptive in their titles (they never use the A-word, but always “Women's Health” or something similar), Siri would then respond, “I don't find any abortion clinics.”

In some cases, to the horror of abortion activists, Siri would list pro-life crisis pregnancy centers, because some do have “abortion alternatives” in their title or description.

Abortionists consider a mobile app giving out crisis pregnancy centers' contact information intolerable. Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards called it an “insidious” barrier, a “hazard,” and “a threat that none of us should take lightly.” She demanded that Apple “fix this immediately.”

Apple explained that it was not an intentional omission and said the company will work on fixing it by more accurately categorizing abortion businesses.

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Also pushing for a fix was the abortion activist organization Sea Change Program, which worked with associate professors at the University of California San Francisco to put pressure on Apple to change its search algorithm. The organization says it exists “to reduce stigma around abortions.”

Last September, Apple announced its new iOS 9 software. With the new software came “Apple Nearby” for their maps, and a promise of more “relevant” search listings.

Sea Change Program and UC San Francisco associate professors sent a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook in November, saying, “Siri's anti-choice suggestions is [sic] alarming, and contributes [sic] to the stigma surrounding abortion care in our country.”

Apple has now created a category, “Family Services,” within Apple Nearby. Under “Family Services” are listed abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood.

Now the Siri software lists abortion businesses. Fast Company tested the software last month and reports that the software has indeed been amended at least in some cities.

Other issues with the Siri software included giving people suggestions about a good place to hide a dead body.