
May 26, 2005 ( – See the following and more articles in the now on line version of the April Interim newspaper here.

1. Parliamentarians speak out on same-sex “marriage” – Excerpts from the House of Commons debates over C-38, the government’s legislation that redefines marriage to include homosexual couples.

2. Institutionalizing our children in national daycare programs – Eli Schuster

3. Q & A with: Mark Crutcher – The Interim spoke to Crutcher, founder and president of Life Dynamics Inc., concerning the latest developments at LDI and the state of the battle against abortion in the U.S.

4. Terri Shiavo’s execution sparks sense of déjà vu – Pete Vere

5. Will redefining marriage open the door to polygamy ?– Terry O’Neill

6. Editorial – Who is ‘mainstream’? – the mainstream media are simply out of touch. We must take our country back from the judges, politicians, reporters and other elites that seek to remake the nation in their own, liberal image.

7. Parliament has been reduced to a mere handmaiden of the courts – Rory Leishman

8. Cardinal Ouellet and the Catholic renewal in Quebec – Luc Gagnon