VADUZ, Liechtenstein (LifeSiteNews) – Archbishop Wolfgang Haas of Liechtenstein has canceled a planned Mass with delegates of Liechtenstein’s state parliament because the majority of them voted for a bill allowing same-sex “marriage.”
In a published letter, Haas explained his decision.
“By a large majority – in spite of and contrary to reasonable and legally relevant guidelines – the motion for the preparation of a corresponding bill was referred to the government, i.e. the introduction of this pseudo-marriage, which contradicts both natural sensibilities, reasonable natural law and, in particular, the Christian understanding of man as it corresponds to the divine order of creation, was voted for,“ Haas wrote.
“Consequently, the time has come to refrain from the so-called ‘Holy Spirit service’ at the opening of the state parliamentary sessions, since such a liturgical celebration no longer makes sense in view of the parliamentary behavior of the vast majority of our state parliamentarians in an essential matter of Christian ethics,” Haas stated.
“This shows once again how necessary it is, in terms of religious credibility, to resist and avoid any form of public or institutional ecclesiastical embellishment.”
“A principle that is always valid is: Resist the beginnings!” the bishop declared. “Experience shows that the consequences of moral misconduct are catastrophic. The introduction of the so-called ‘marriage for all’ with all the associated excesses will lead to a moral opening of the floodgates in education, as can already be seen in various countries, where the gender and LGBT propaganda has found its way into the schools.”
“My ecclesiastical clarification is based on the magisterial ‘Considerations Regarding Proposals To Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons,’ published by the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and does not simply originate from a private opinion, has apparently not achieved the hoped-for effect in the Liechtenstein Parliament, whose members all belong to the Catholic Church.”
Haas has taken a stand against the LGBT agenda before. In June of this year, he canceled a planned lunch with a mayor in his diocese because the official had hosted a “gay pride” event the day before.
READ: European Catholic bishop cancels annual dinner with mayor over town hosting ‘pride’ event
Haas also spoke out against the Synod on Synodality, vowing that his diocese would not take part in the two-year process over concerns that the meetings would carry “the risk of becoming ideological.”
“I am of the opinion that in our small archdiocese it is possible for good reasons to refrain from carrying out such a complex and sometimes even complicated procedure,” he wrote, noting that “the close relationships in our parishes allow for quick and uncomplicated mutual contact between pastors and laity, so that an intellectual and spiritual exchange has always been, and still is, possible.”