
OTTAWA, April 2, 2002 ( – Archbishop Marcel Gervais of Ottawa has released an invitation to pro-lifers across the country to join the annual March for Life in Ottawa. The text of the archbishop’s signed March 26 letter follows:

My dear friends,

The Annual National March for Life is to be held May 10th, 2002. The March provides an opportunity for Canadians to tell legislators that we can no longer endure a situation that discriminates against 100,000 children a year by sanctioning their deaths.

“Let Them Live,” the theme of the 2002 March, says that all are entitled to legal protection from the moment of conception. This is a human right, and of necessity the first right, the right to live.

Embryonic stem cell research, abortion, fetal reduction, sex selection, selective feticide, eugenic abortion: these are all attacks on the life of the human child before birth. Christians need to be heard over the semantic gymnastics of scientists who would destroy these lives.

We strongly encourage you to come to the May 10th March for life on Parliament Hill to be an advocate for the helpless unborn and to proclaim to all, “Let Them Live.”

Yours sincerely in Christ,  +Marcel Gervais Archbishop of Ottawa