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MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina, June 10, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A judge ruled that application of a recent law legalizing elective abortion in Argentina must be suspended throughout the country.
Judge Alfredo López of Mar del Plata ordered the suspension earlier this week, ACI Prensa reported, as the law is likely unconstitutional and violates international agreements that Argentina joined in defense of life, he said.
The Argentinian government had enacted a bill in December allowing abortion beyond the majority-Catholic nation’s previous exemptions for rape or health of the mother. A provincial judge already deemed the abortion law, ley 27610, unconstitutional in a March ruling that applied to Argentina’s San Luis province.
A report by ACI Prensa on Tuesday noted that a private citizen presented an appeal against the constitutionality of the law, arguing that it “would go against the international obligations assumed by the Argentine State by virtue of the comprehensive protection of the right to life from conception.”
The amparo appeal sought “a precautionary measure be issued to order the suspension of resolution 1/2019,” for “the right to life of unborn children is at stake.”
Judge López granted the request on Monday, writing that the Supreme Court “reaffirmed in subsequent pronouncements the right to the preservation of health – included in the right to life – and has highlighted the urgent obligation of the public authority to guarantee that right with positive actions.”
He added that the high court “has considered that the right to life is the first right of the human person that is recognized and guaranteed by the National Constitution,” according to local news. The federal government is thereby required to halt application of the abortion law until the Supreme Court rules on it and “the substantive issue is resolved at the time of the final judgment.”
Pro-life advocates, including former presidential candidate Alejandro Biondini, celebrated the ruling against what Biondini slammed as a “genocidal law.”
“The judicial declaration of the #UnconstitutionalAbortion by Mar del Plata federal judge Alfredo López is a great triumph in favor of our unborn children, but we must work and vote well in legislatures to permanently repeal that genocidal law from Congress,” Bionidini wrote on Twitter.
La declaración judicial del #AbortoInconstitucional por parte del juez federal marplatense Alfredo López es un gran triunfo a favor de nuestros niños por nacer, pero debemos trabajar y votar bien en legislativas para derogar esa ley genocida desde el Congreso en forma definitiva.
— Alejandro Biondini (@BiondiniAR) June 8, 2021
“Federal judge Alfredo López ordered abortion to be suspended in Argentina! This is great news!” pro-life, pro-family group CitizenGO Argentina said. “We congratulate the brave judge @JudgeLopezMDP and we will remain firm so that the ruling that defends the LIVES of thousands of Argentines is enforced and the (National Constitution) is respected.”
El juez federal Alfredo López ordenó suspender el aborto en la Argentina!
Es una gran noticia!
Felicitamos al valiente juez @JuezLopezMDP y seguiremos firmes para que se cumpla la sentencia que defiende la VIDA de miles de argentinos y hace respetar la CN#AbortoInconstitucional— CitizenGO Argentina (@CitizenGOar) June 8, 2021
Members of the ruling party, which pushed ley 27610 through despite strong opposition from Catholics and evangelicals, have said they will appeal, with the minister of “gender policies” alleging that the bill was “deeply debated” on its constitutionality.
“What the official does not seem to understand is that, despite all the debate that was generated both times the law was discussed, her supporters were never able to explain how the abortion law fits with a Constitution that protects life from conception,” PanAm Post said.