BANGKOK, December 17, 2002 ( – The Fifth Asian and Pacific Population Conference came to a close today with the United States being voted down on proposals to ensure the document produced did not promote abortion. In two votes held today, U.S. proposals were voted down 31-1 with two abstentions, and 32-1 with two abstentions. U.S. delegates had said some of the wording, including “reproductive health services” and “reproductive rights,” could be used to advocate abortion and underage sex. The 22-page document is to be an implementation plan for the population and development agenda of the 1994 Cairo conference. The document says that population policies “must encompass the principle of voluntary and informed decision making and choices, the preservation and protection of human rights, including the matters related to reproductive rights and reproductive health services.” U.S. delegate Arthur E. Dewey noted that the U.S. measures attempted to ensure the wording in the document does “not imply an advocacy or a support for abortion.” Cybercast News Service reports that Dewey, assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration, said the gathering was trying to force the U.S. to “violate its principles and accept language that promotes abortion.”“We have been asked to reaffirm the entirety of the [Cairo] principles and recommendations, even though we have repeatedly stated that to do so would constitute endorsement of abortion.” Dewey noted that other delegations had rejected a U.S. proposal that a footnote be inserted saying explicitly that the phrases in question don’t promote abortion. “If the [Cairo document] does not promote abortion, why is there such unwillingness to affirm this in the draft document?” he asked. Despite Dewey’s statements, the U.S. signed on to the document without its proposed changes, but submitted a separate list of reservations. See the Fox News and Cybercast News coverage:,2933,73259,00.html
BANGKOK, December 17, 2002 ( – The Fifth Asian and Pacific Population Conference came to a close today with the United States being voted down on proposals to ensure the document produced did not promote abortion. In two votes held today, U.S. proposals were voted down 31-1 with two abstentions, and 32-1 with two abstentions. U.S. delegates had said some of the wording, including “reproductive health services” and “reproductive rights,” could be used to advocate abortion and underage sex. The 22-page document is to be an implementation plan for the population and development agenda of the 1994 Cairo conference. The […]