
NEW YORK CITY, September 6, 2013 ( – The authors of the popular Batwoman comic book series quit their jobs in protest this week after their plans to have Batwoman “marry” her lesbian lover were blocked by editors at D.C. Comics.

“In recent months, D.C. has asked us to alter or completely discard many long-standing storylines in ways that we feel compromise the character and the series,” series authors J.H. Williams and W. Haden Blackman wrote in a blog post announcing their departure. Among other edits, the editors “most crushingly, prohibited” them “from ever showing Kate [Kane, Batwoman’s alter ego] and Maggie actually getting married.”


Their announcement set off an internet frenzy, as angry homosexual activists flooded the publisher’s Twitter and Facebook feeds with boycott threats and demanded that the fictional wedding be allowed to take place.

But a D.C. executive insists the comic book company is not anti-gay; it is opposed to characters getting married at all. The company, he said, remains committed to presenting homosexuality in a positive light in comic books.

D.C. co-publisher Dan DiDio took to his own Facebook wall to explain the reasoning behind the decision, saying, “We are still early into the world of the New 52 and we want to keep all story opportunities open.”

DiDio pointed out that the new, lesbian version of the Batwoman character has been a central fixture of the franchise since 2006. Additionally, D.C. relaunched its Green Lantern series last year with the titular hero reimagined as gay – in contrast to the married father of two he had been in the original series, which began 70 years ago.

On Twitter, Williams said he agreed that D.C.’s rejection of the wedding storyline stemmed from a bias against character marriages in general, not just homosexual ones.

“We fought to get them engaged, but were told emphatically no marriage can result,” he wrote. He later added that the decision “was never put to us as being anti-gay marriage.”


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Batwoman proposed to Maggie in the February issue of the comic series, which was launched as a standalone series with a homosexuality-centered character arc in 2010.

In her new origin story, Kate Kane (Batwoman) was a student at the U.S. Military Academy who chose to quit the academy rather than hide her lesbian sexual preferences. The storyline was written prior to the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that barred open homosexuals from military service.