CHICAGO, December 5, 2002 ( – Frederica Mathewes-Green of Touchstone magazine critiques the sexual revolution’s empty promises of “free love” and its legacy of disillusionment, selfishness, disease, childlessness, single parenthood, child abuse, delinquency and abortion. Mathewes-Green recalls early “free-love” proponent John Humphrey Noyes, the former Yale Divinity School student and Congregationalist minister who in 1851 founded the Oneida colony in upstate New York on the principle of “Bible Communism,” including open (but childless) sex among colonists. At Oneida over a 20-year period, she says, only 35 children were born in the community of 100 adults. She writes, “In the heart of many a healthy family is a little girl holding a doll.” But Oneida’s Noyes obliged girls to throw their baby dolls into the furnace to free them of “selfish” attachments—so that they would be better groomed to “share” themselves with male colonists. Mathewes-Green compares this to the modern-day mentality of free love, except that today, baby dolls are not thrown into the furnace, but *actual* babies’ body parts are hurled into the dumpster in the name of sexual freedom. —The article, which appears in Frederica Mathewes-Green’s latest book, Gender: Men, Women, Sex, Feminism (Conciliar Press, 2002) can also be read in full in the Nov. 2002 issue of Touchstone – “A Magazine of Mere Christianity” at:
Touchstone writer compares Oneida "free love" to modern "reproductive choice"