
TORONTO, Ontario, March 21, 2011 ( – With the 40 Days for Life Campaign less than two weeks underway, Canadian cities are already recounting the remarkable successes of the project. 


Toronto 40 Days campaign organizer, Nicole Campbell of Campaign Life Coalition, said in her Day 6 report that the participants at the Women’s Care Clinic abortion facility in Toronto know of 3 “turnarounds” in women who chose not to proceed with their abortions.

One girl, 18 weeks pregnant, had already entered the abortion facility when Campbell began talking to the girl’s boyfriend.  “I gave him the information [about the child in the womb],” wrote Campbell, “ and then he started texting her … then, he started to run inside.” 

When the girl and her boyfriend re-emerged, Campbell approached and asked the girl what had changed her mind. “Well, I didn’t,” the girl told Campbell, “it was going to be a three day abortion, but the abortionist decided she couldn’t put the laminaria in today and asked me to reschedule for next week.”

“As we started to talk,” recounted Campbell, “she began crying and told me that she is scared of her Christian parents reaction, and fears that she will be shunned out of the family … She was crying when I told her about the size of her baby, what the baby would endure [during the abortion], as well as the trauma she would suffer afterwards. She was relieved she didn’t do it. I gave her my number and she told me she would be in touch.”

Participants reported a second baby that was saved after a couple changed their mind last week. And then on Friday, a young girl approaching the abortion facility turned around after seeing the huge 40 Days banner.

“A young girl was walking in,” said Campbell, “she then stopped and saw the big banner with the unborn child, which read, ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew You.’ She was visibly affected, stared at the sign, then turned around and walked right back to the bus stop where she came from!”

Meanwhile, a report from Kitchener also recounts the story of a baby saved during 40 Days for Life.  “We’ve received direct confirmation that a baby’s life was saved as a result of our peaceful prayer vigil at the Freeport Hospital abortion facility,” reported the group.

Last Wednesday, a lady approached the prayer volunteers after parking her car behind the prayer zone.  The participants were concerned she had come to complain about their witness.  “When the lady got to our prayer volunteer,” organizers recounted, “she explained to him that thanks to our 40 Days For Life prayerful witness, her 19-year old daughter changed her mind about having an abortion.”

The turnaround happened during Kitchener’s first 40 Days campaign in the fall of 2009.  “The baby has already been born and is thriving somewhere in our community, bringing joy to its mother … and grandmother!” participants said.

The 40 Days campaign is being hosted in 10 Canadian cities, as well as hundreds of cities in the U.S. and around the world. For more information and locations, please click here.