WASHINGTON, D.C., July 13, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Unless conservatives elect a president who is determined to defeat Obamacare in 2012, they will have lost their final chance for its repeal, said presidential candidate Michele Bachmann Wednesday morning.
“I will tell you quite frankly: 2012 is it. This is it. This is our only window of opportunity,” Bachmann told a gathering of pro-life leaders in Washington. “If we fail to elect a president with a titanium spine … absolutely committed to the full scale of repeal of Obamacare, we will never repeal it in this country short of a miracle from God.”
The state health insurance exchanges mandated under the bill are set for implementation 2013, meaning that the bill will have “metastasized” beyond the point of reversal by the time Americans have another chance to change the administration, she said.
Bachmann stressed that repeal is not a long shot: the congresswoman said “there is fervor” to repeal the massive health care bill.
“Don’t think this is a Pollyanna, tilting at windmills move. It is not,” said Bachmann. “We can, and we will repeal Obamacare. It’s going to happen.”
The congresswoman tied the health care fight to her successful work repealing a federal curriculum in Minnesota by travelling the state and alerting parents to its content, which she decried as liberally biased.
“That emboldened me to see that you can change and fight city hall. I believe the same exact thing is true with Obamacare,” said Bachmann.
The candidate also highlighted the plight of nurses, physicians, and hospitals across America, who fear for their conscience rights under the health care bill, and challenged GOP contenders to meet the administration’s tenacity in pushing the anti-life position.
“The question is, when will we ever field a candidate who is as equally determined as the left is to undo their radical pro-abortion agenda?” she said.