WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (LifeSiteNews) – The bill passed by the US Senate Wednesday which declares that people found to have violated laws protecting abortuaries cannot escape fines or civil judgments against them through bankruptcy is much more dangerous than it appears, say critics. The measure, which passed overwhelmingly in the Senate (80-17), contains language that “goes far beyond the discrete issue of violence at abortion clinics,” warned Senator Orrin Hatch during the Senate debate. He noted that the bill contained vague language which would allow the legislation to be used against pro-lifers who not only committed an offence but also those who “attempted” or who were “alleged” to have committed offences. Moreover the offences include “harassment of, intimidation of, interference with [and] obstruction of” abortionists and their collaborators.
Hatch urged a no vote: “I urge my colleagues to read the actual text of the amendment before they vote. If they believe they are voting on an amendment that strictly covers acts of violence at abortion clinics, they are mistaken. Who knows how this amendment is going to be applied otherwise? The bankruptcy law already takes care of violence, abortion clinic violence, if you will. It does not discharge that in bankruptcy.”
See the complete text of the amendment.
(with files from Mary Mostert)