VANCOUVER, Feb 28 (LifeSiteNews) – Evidence that a well-known BC abortionist may be extra-billing vulnerable, abortion-bound women, has resulted in a call for an immediate investigation by the authorities.
Campaign Life Coalition BC has demanded the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Medical Services Plan of BC launch an immediate independent probe of the circumstances surrounding this case. The details of the case were revealed in the latest (Feb 28) issue of The Report Magazine and involve a teen mother, her partner and Vancouver Abortion Dr. Lorena Kanke.
The mother, seeking an abortion, was informed she would need to pay an additional $250 cash, over and above her medical plan coverage, before the abortion would be committed. “This “Extra Billing” amounts to nothing less than exploitation of vulnerable women.” said John Hof of Campaign Life Coalition BC. “Dr. Kanke and other late term abortionists know they basically hold their patients hostage. They have a captive audience that won’t complain. Not one of their patients will go running to the authorities saying they have been ripped-off.”
The mother went to the newsmagazine with her story after she changed her mind about having the abortion. The decision to forego the abortion was made more difficult by the fact that a sign in the waiting room said she would have to pay $150 if she cancelled her appointment without two days’ notice.
For more see The Report.