(LifeSiteNews) — If I were to pick one word to represent the time in which we’re living, I think I would choose the word. “irony.” I keep running into examples of irony all over the place.
For instance, I recently preached on the topic of the New World Order, describing this as a movement toward a global government that uses technology to regulate all aspects of our lives, including how we think and what we say.
When video of that homily was posted on YouTube, it appeared with a tag intended to put my words into “context.” The tag read, “The New World Order is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.”
“Conspiracy theory?”
You could hardly find a more perfect example of technology being used to regulate thoughts and words. Apparently my presentation tripped an algorithm alerting some digital genie that “A crazy priest down in Florida is raising questions about our authority. We have to discredit this homily right away.
Society has reached a point where we face a choice, and it’s truly an existential choice — which is to say it touches on our very existence. We must choose between:
(A) the New World Order (otherwise referred to as the Great Reset), in which our educational paths, our economic options, and our life prospects come under central global control; or…
(B) God’s World Order (otherwise referred to as Faith), in which Jesus shows us how to live in freedom and individual moral responsibility.
I hate to say it, but right now I think the New World Order is ahead in its influence and persuasiveness. The most powerful advantage it enjoys is fear.
Those pushing a globalist agenda have been wildly successful in ratcheting up public anxiety about a broad range of concerns, the foremost of which is climate change.
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Many people live in terror of global temperature rising to such levels that the polar ice caps will melt, weather patterns will shift, massive storms will be generated, and large sections of the world will become uninhabitable. Their fears are stoked by schools, by the media, by popular movies and TV shows, by a herd of virtue-signaling politicians and celebrities.
This prompts people to accept restrictions on energy consumption, land use, product purchases, travel: a whole range of choices we’ve traditionally thought of as personal. It makes them willing to cede elements of our national sovereignty to international treaty agencies and global organizations.
Fear is a terrific motivator. People feel under threat, and so they turn to “authorities” to protect them and free them from their worries.
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There’s irony in all this, of course. For nearly half a century, ever since the Environmental Movement first appeared on the scene, we’ve been hearing about imminent worldwide climate catastrophe.
The thing is, this catastrophe never materializes. The Earth and its ecological systems are quite good at absorbing the variations and disruptions that appear in Nature.
No doubt the climate is changing. But that’s what the climate does. It changes constantly.
We saw fear at work in a similar way during the pandemic. A new illness had come upon us with unpredictable effects, and we were frightened. So we turned to the “authorities,” who told us to separate ourselves physically, wear masks and face shields, stay home, and take vaccines that were developed hastily and promoted in an atmosphere of panic.
What was the result? Putting our wellbeing into the hands of “authorities,” a lot of people still got sick. Some died. Others contracted weird and damaging health conditions (often fatal) from the vaccines. Some lost jobs or businesses because of public health restrictions.
Once again, we trusted those whom we believed were most qualified. And — ironically — our trust was rewarded with physical, social, and economic loss.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling anyone to ignore genuine expertise. There’s an old saying that illustrates the folly of that: “A man who tries to be his own lawyer has a fool for a client.”
But God has given us common sense. We must be attentive and astute in discerning between those with real knowledge and those who are feeding us half-baked ideas to advance an agenda.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of the latter type.
Individuals like Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and a host of others with global economic interests or political ambitions have determined that humanity would be better off if national boundaries, cultural distinctions, and constitutional protections were weakened or eliminated altogether. These folks envision a system where everybody trades in one global digital currency, allowing the “authorities” to monitor our transactions and to “encourage” us toward more “sustainable” and “equitable” living arrangements.
The European Union is developing such a system now, with critics expressing grave reservations. The Digital Euro would be attached to digital IDs, revealing every individual transaction, and allowing the “authorities” to impose spending limits or even to disapprove certain purchases.
If this is happening in Europe, can the U.S. be far behind?
Perhaps the greatest irony in all this is that our hope of resisting such totalitarian designs doesn’t lie in politics. It lies in religion. As we saw during the years of Soviet Communism, when people have faith in God, they can never completely yield their will to worldly powers.
The “authorities” know this — which is what explains the constant assault on faith and morality, as well as the ongoing efforts to undermine the rights and prerogatives of churches.
The greatest reset in history was accomplished by Jesus on the cross. We’re called to put our faith in him, face our fears, and choose God’s World Order.
This essay is based on a homily delivered by Fr. Orsi and has been published with permission. It can be viewed above.
A priest of the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, Rev. Michael P. Orsi currently serves as parochial vicar at St. Agnes Parish in Naples, Florida. He is host of “Action for Life TV,” a weekly cable television series devoted to pro-life issues, and his writings appear in numerous publications and online journals. His TV show episodes can be viewed online here.