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WASHINGTON, D.C., June 30, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Joe Biden has nominated a woman with a long history of radical environmentalism and who has advocated for American families to have no more than two children for a senior position in his government.
Tracy Stone-Manning, if approved, will become the director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a position giving her control over 70 million acres of public land.
Stone-Manning has quickly gained notoriety since being nominated last Tuesday for both her views expressed in her 1992 graduate thesis — that children are an “environmental hazard” — and her involvement with a case of historic of eco-terrorism.
According to an investigative report by the Daily Caller, her thesis focused on eight advertisements to bring awareness to the alleged abuses of the earth caused by so-called human “over-population,” as well as by a variety of farming industries.
“The origin of our abuses is us,” she wrote, “If there were fewer of us, we would have less impact. We must consume less, and more importantly, we must breed fewer consuming humans.”
Her first advertisement was a picture of a baby with the question, “Can you find the environmental hazard in this photo?” The caption read, “That’s right, it’s the cute baby.” In America, it explained, “We breed more than any other industrialized nation. At the same time, we suck up one-third of the world’s energy. … When we overpopulate, the earth notices it more. Stop at two. It could be the best thing you do for the planet.”
The thesis, the Daily Caller reported, also included a 30-second script for a television advertisement. The script shows a young woman contemplating the possibility of having another child. She thinks, “I know it would be my third baby, but there’s not a population problem here like in Africa or India … and besides smart people like Bob and me should be the people having kids.” The scene then cuts to 13 seconds of pictures of exhaust, smog, landfill sites, a bird covered in oil and a female voice cuts in stating, “A child born in America will burn 499 times more energy than a child born in Ethiopia. And each year, Americans add 2 million energy-eating humans to the earth. … When we have children, the planet feels it more. Do the truly smart thing, stop at one or two kids.”
The ads in her thesis specifically targeted those planning their families. “The point is a simple one,” she wrote, “Harshly, the ads say that the earth can’t afford Americans.”
Stone-Manning was also an editor of the ultra-left, radical environmentalist journal EarthFirst! The journal’s statement of principles included:
All life forms, from virus to the great whale, have an inherent and equal right to existence; Mankind is no greater than any other form of life and has no legitimate claim to dominate Earth; All human decisions should consider Earth first, humankind second; The only true test of morality is whether an action, individual, social, or political, benefits earth; Earth is Goddess and the proper object of human worship.
As editor of EarthFirst!, Stone-Manning published an article (June, 1991) in which she satirically suggested using cannibalism as a form of population control.
What is the one resource that we have in super-abundance, and seems to be self perpetuating [?] Well, of course, humans. Rather than spend a whole page explaining the ins and outs of cannibalism I’ll leave it up to all of you to figure it out, but please send in your favorite recipes.
The editor’s note for this edition of the journal stated explicitly that they “do not accept the authority of the hierarchical state.”
Around this time, Stone-Manning found herself in trouble with the authorities of “the hierarchical state” relating to an act of eco-terrorism involving tree-spiking in 1989.
Tree-spiking is the act of driving a spike is into a living “at an angle so the head is hidden in the bark,” Senator John Barrasso explained during the June 17, 2021 committee hearing regarding Stone-Manning’s nomination. “It can shatter a chainsaw on impact, sending pieces of razor-sharp shrapnel flying.”
In 1993, Stone-Manning was investigated as colluding with the act of tree-spiking but was granted immunity for testifying that she had typed out a letter for a friend in which they warned that “a total of five hundred pounds of spikes measuring 8 to 10 inches in length” had been pounded into trees in a forest in Idaho which was set to be used as a logging site. The letter warned that should anyone attempt to harvest the trees “a lot of people could get hurt.”
Stone-Manning's testimony sent roommate John P. Blount to prison for 17 months and provided her freedom. The Missoulian, reported that she could’ve been charged with conspiracy had she not agreed to testify.
In 1990, The Washington Post reported the story of a young forester whose life was unexpectedly altered one day while he was splitting logs.
“He was nearly three feet away when the log hit his saw and the saw exploded,” the report noted. “One half of the blade stuck in the log. The other half hit Alexander in the head, tearing through his safety helmet and face shield. His face was slashed from eye to chin. His teeth were smashed and his jaw was cut in half.”
“Someone who objected to tree cutting had imbedded a huge steel spike in the log that violently jammed the saw,” The Washington Post explained.
Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), who has called on Biden to withdraw Stone-Manning’s nomination, said that as member of EarthFirst!, Stone-Manning had been part of “not just a radical, extreme environmental group, but a radical, extreme, violent, environmental group.”
“This is not an exaggeration,” Sullivan said. “Tracy Stone-Manning was a member of Earth First!, a radical, far-left group that has engaged repeatedly in what is defined as eco-terrorism.”
“Every U.S. Senator on the floor here in this body should be very, very disturbed,” Sullivan stated.
Sullivan said that the vast amount of land in the BLM purview will mean an enormous amount of control for its director, and so insisted that it is “imperative” that the director be someone of great character. The director needs “to be honest, to be fair-minded, to be beyond reproach and, certainly, not to have been involved in an organization that perpetuated violence against its fellow Americans.”
Sullivan added, “And from what we know about Tracy Stone-Manning, she is none of these things — trustworthy, honest, and fair-minded.”
The Washington Post reported that the White House has called her “exceptionally qualified” and “a dedicated public servant who has years of experience and a proven track record of finding solutions and common ground when it comes to our public lands and waters.”
Currently, Stone-Manning is a senior adviser for the National Wildlife Federation.