OTTAWA, Jan 14 (LifeSiteNews) – A recent report put out by the UN on the Kyoto agreement on climate change threatens Canada with a massive bill, far out of proportion to anything first imagined, Southam News reported yesterday. Even prior to this report, put together by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “the Kyoto target was expected to present ‘the most profound economic challenge’ since the Second World War, according to a recent briefing document presented to the Liberal cabinet,” noted the National Post.
Under the Kyoto agreement Canada pledged to reduce its emissions of “greenhouse gases” by 2008-2012 to 6% below 1990’s levels. Canada counted forests as credits which would have reduced the cost of reaching the goal by some $17 billion. However, the IPCC has said that Canada’s forests shouldn’t be factored into the equation. Apparently the report has finally pushed the Liberal government too far on the issue, because, says NP, the response has been one of outrage. Canada has charged that the report lacks the objectivity one would expect of a scientific report and has demanded that a new report be produced in its place.
Interestingly, at an Ottawa conference on energy efficiency in June last year, very influential UN environmental extremist, Maurice Strong, hurled ridicule at Bob Peterson head of Imperial Oil for revealing the economic disaster that would result from Kyoto. As reported yesterday in LifeSite News, Strong was rewarded by the Canadian government this week with the high order of Companion to the Order of Canada.
See the report in the National Post.